I’ll be giving a talk at the University of Waterloo, Canada on Monday, May 17th, 2010. The following is from the invitation e-mail to this talk:
„Spatial data mining in precision agriculture“ is the topic of a talk
on Monday May 17 at 2pm in room EV1-1001 by PhD candidate Georg Ruß
from the Computational Intelligence group at the University of
Magdeburg, Germany. Mr. Ruß will introduce us to the utility of
geomatics technologies in precision agriculture, and present novel
spatial data mining tools that can be used to optimize the spatial
allocation of fertilizer and pesticide doses in site-specific crop
management. This involves novel statistical and machine-learning
techniques such as the support vector machine, spatial
cross-validation, and spatial clustering algorithms, as well as lots
and lots of high-resolution geodata.
The invitation was offered by Alexander Brenning. I’ll be traveling further to Tucson/Oracle/Biosphere II/Arizona for the IDA 2010 conference. Further information is going to be given right here in due course.