I’ve been nominated to serve as a country representative for Germany in the International Society of Precision Agriculture, which was founded more or less while I was at the ICPA2010 conference in Denver this year. Seems to take off soon.
I’ve been nominated to serve as a country representative for Germany in the International Society of Precision Agriculture, which was founded more or less while I was at the ICPA2010 conference in Denver this year. Seems to take off soon.
On Tuesday I (and nine other students, all from the U.S.) finally got my ICPA
outstanding graduate student award at the ceremony held during lunchtime. I
haven’t been able to get an appropriate photo, but below there’s the award. I’m
not showing the cheque, though :-) My vision of Precision Agriculture which I had
to describe to receive this award has been posted here.
The above photos are from http://www.flickr.com/photos/zimmcomm/sets/72157624407942663/, slightly cropped, scaled and edited. The originals are here: photo1, photo2. There are more photos of the conference in that flickr album.
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I’m currently at Denver, Colorado, for the 10th International Conference on
Precision Agriculture. So far, it’s been quite interesting to see lots of talks
on what’s (for me) data analysis problems. It’s also nice to see that basic
linear regression is usually the tool which is being used as the most advanced
tool for any kind of prediction tasks. I’ll have too see whether throwing more
advanced data mining stuff at the existing problems is doing any good.
My talk on the hierarchical spatial clustering I’ve developed for the purpose
of management zone delineation worked out okay. I think that I did a good job
on adapting my talk to this totally different audience, judging from the
feedback I received after the talk. It was really nice not having to explain
too much details on the data I have because the audience just knew those
attributes. I might even have gotten the point across about what the advantages
of my clustering are in comparison to existing approaches. The presentation slides
are here: russ2010icpa-slides.pdf
Yesterday I was informed that I’ve been given the best graduate student paper award at the International Conference on Precision Agriculture 2010, which is something like the flagship conference in precision agriculture, much like the IEEE ICDM (held in Sydney, Australia, this year) or the PKDD (held in Barcelona, Spain, this year) are for data mining and knowledge discovery in databases. I had to be nominated for this award and parts of the nomination included my vision on the area of precision agriculture. This is quoted below:
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