The paper which I mentioned in the previous post has been accepted for publication at the SGAI AI-2009 conference. The reviewers were rather confident about the paper contents and it seems that my work is quite interesting for computer scientists.

Nevertheless, I’ve started digging somewhat deeper into the issue with spatial autocorrelation which is likely to exist in the georeferenced data sets I’m using. So far, this has usually been neglected and might lead to biased results when regression is carried out. My main idea for my PhD contribution is to develop or find a regression model which does take the spatial autocorrelation into account.

To give you an idea of the data sets and fields I’m working with, here’s a georeferenced plot of the N2 fertilizer on one of the fields during 2007:

N2 dressing on one of the fields in 2007

N2 dressing on one of the fields in 2007

. R is really great for working with (georeferenced) shapefiles.